NANFED Members have exclusive access to resources, networks and mentoring that will equip you with all that you need.
At NANFED, we support field educators by providing resources, examples of documents and forms often used in field education. We seek to provide samples that represent a diversity of schools across the nation. Below you will find a list of our resources provided to NANFED members.
Please consider sending us documents or links for our repository to NANFED at Your submission will be reviewed. If used, your institution will be credited. If not used, it does not reflect the quality of the information.
Comments or questions may be sent to Thank you for your support!
Field Program Resources
When you become a member of NANFED, you will have immediate access to the following Field Program Resources. Our repository of field resources is constantly changing, if you have resources that you would like to contribute to our growing library, please contact us.
Boise State University
East Tennessee State
Briar Cliff University
Lincoln Memorial University
Asbury University
University of Denver Field Manual
University of Illinois Field Manual
Boise State University
Michigan State University (BSW/MSW)
Texas A&M University- Kingsville
Indiana University
- Course Outlines
- Field Courses
MSW Field Internship Syllabi
BSW Seminar Journal Assignments
- Field Rubrics
Clinical Rubric
Child, Youth, & Family Rubric
Health Across Lifespan Rubric
Practice and Leadership with Communities and Organizations
Generalist Rubric
Sports Social Work Placement Guide
- Seminar Syllabi
Master Syllabi for Seminar Courses
Standard Syllabus MSW Specialization
Field Integrative Seminar Policy
Field Internship Syllabi
Advanced Field Syllabi
Advanced SW Seminar Syllabi
- Textbooks
- Employment-Based Placements
Guidelines for Employment-Based Placements
Employment Based Practicum (EBP) Guidelines- University of Montana
Applications for Employment-Based Placements
Proposals for Employment-Based Placements
Process for Reviewing Proposals
Challenges of Employment-Based Placements
Offers of Employment by Placements
Employment- Based Practicum Field Plan
- Block
Block Internship Policy
- International
International Placement Process
Out-of State Placements
- Same Agency for 2 Placements
Proposals for 2-Year Placements
Reviewing Proposals for 2-Year Placements
- Expedited Field Policy
apm field presentations
2017 Presentation
2018 Presentation
2019 Presentation
…..and more
Stakeholder Resources
When you become a member of NANFED, you will have immediate access to the following Stakeholder Resources. Our repository of field resources is constantly changing, if you have resources that you would like to contribute to our growing library, please contact us.
- Affiliation Agreements/MOU
Affiliation Agreements
MOU Template
- Agency Data Form Samples
Field Vetting Form
- Field Liaison Models
- Field Liaison Training/Onboarding Material
Generalist Faculty Advisor & Liaison Roles
Advanced Faculty Advisor & Liaison Roles
Best Practices for Faculty Liaisons
- Field Accreditation Standards
CSWE Accreditation Standard
CSWE Statement of Dept. of Labor Regulations
Field Instructors
- Field Instructor Manuals
- Resources to Support Supervision
Supervision Agenda Template
- Workshop Outlines, Modules
….and more
Field Policy and Process
When you become a member of NANFED, you will have immediate access to the following Field Policy and Process documents. Our repository of field resources is constantly changing, if you have resources that you would like to contribute to our growing library, please contact us.
Field Directors
- Job Descriptions
Director of Field
- Titles
- Workload
- Support in role
General and early stages
- Professional suitability policy
- Health and Mental health-related policy
- Admissions/prerequisites
- Matching policy
Field Placement Matching Process
- Pre-placement workshops, courses or communications
Important Field Facts Presentation
Middle and end stages
- Evaluation processes
Mid-Semester Evaluation
End of Semester Evaluation
Foundation Competencies Learning Plan
Site Visit Guidelines
- Corrective behavior plan
Guidelines for Developing Remediation Plan
Sample Remediation Plan
Addressing Placement Issues
Field Placement Problem-Solving Hierarchy
Field Placement Breakdown & Failure
Flow Chart for Addressing Placement Issues
- Placement termination/withdrawal
- Grading
Field Grading Policy
….and more
Student Resources
When you become a member of NANFED, you will have immediate access to the following Student Resources. Our repository of field resources is constantly changing, if you have resources that you would like to contribute to our growing library, please contact us.
Early Stage
- Pre-placement interviews and selection
- Field awareness tools
Student Orientation to Field
Social Media Toolkit for Social Work Field Educators by Allison M. Curington, Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, Mary Jacque Carroll
Field Anxiety
Five Things to Know Before Your Job Interview
Social Media Do’s and Don’ts
- Learning agreements and contracts
Advanced Clinical MSW Learning Plan
Foundation & Concentration Learning Contracts
- Student responsibilities, codes of ethics and conduct
Student Roles & Responsibilities Policy
Standards for Technology in Social Work
NASW Code of Ethics
Middle and End Stages
- Student Process Recordings
Process Recording for Community Groups
Weekly Reflection Prompts
Practicum Journal Directions & Example
- Engaging in Supervision
Supervision Agenda Form
- Conflict Management
Agency Problems and Resolution Process
Field Problems and Resolution Process
Field Placement Breakdown and Failure
Field Placement Problem-Solving Hierarchy
- Student Rights and Safety
Student Safety in Field Policy
- Closure of placement
- Student Self-Evaluation
- Student Evaluation of Practicum
Student Evaluation of Field Placement and Field Supervision Form
….and more